


Dentists diagnose and treat problems with 牙齿 and tissues in the mouth, along with giving advice and administering care to help prevent future problems. 他们提供了 instruction on diet, brushing, flossing, the use of fluorides, and other aspects of 牙科保健. They remove tooth decay, fill cavities, examine x-rays, place protective plastic sealants on children's 牙齿, straighten 牙齿, and repair fractured 牙齿. They also perform corrective surgery on gums and supporting bones to treat gum diseases. Dentists extract 牙齿 and make models and measurements for dentures to replace missing 牙齿. They administer anesthetics and write prescriptions for antibiotics and other 药物. (From the online Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-2011)

A degree in Dentistry is a four-year professional degree. 学生就读牙科学校 after they have completed an undergraduate degree or a minimum of 90 semester hours 趋向于某种程度. Students who participate in the Deferred Admit Program (See "Early 华人博彩论坛") must complete an undergraduate degree or 120 semester hours before matriculation 去了牙科学院. Occasionally, those who enter after three 年 complete an undergraduate degree by applying their first year of dental school work as 30 credit hours of elective credit toward an undergraduate degree.


总平均成绩3分.5分或以上(4分).0分)是优先考虑的GPA 大多数牙科学院的华人博彩论坛申请. 2011年秋季班的平均绩点 在UIC牙科学院获得第3名.66. 理科平均绩点是3分.60; this GPA includes grades in biology, chemistry, physics, math, statistics and computer science courses.

访问 the College of Dentistry: Any student who wants to assess dentistry as a potential 我们鼓励职业人士到UIC诊所参观. 你走的时候,一定要做好安排 提前准备好,穿职业装.

Shadowing: While there is no formula for hours spent volunteering, working, or shadowing in a dentistry clinic, any exploration of the field helps students make more informed decisions regarding their suitability for a career in dentistry.

所有的你.S. dental schools require applicants to take the Dental 华人博彩论坛s Test (DAT). Most schools (including the University of Iowa) use the American Dental Education 协会(ADEA)发起申请. ADEA在线赞助 Associated American Dental Schools Application Service (AADSAS). 学生应核对 ADEA牙科学校官方指南 for deadlines at other schools and should apply well before listed deadlines.

ADEA has stated that the number of graduates of dental and allied dental programs should reflect their representation in the population and the communities in which they will serve, and that recruitment, retention and graduation of practitioners from disadvantaged groups are goals that are important for the public's health (from the ADEA网站).

Many Colleges of Dentistry have a summer enrichment program that, prior to matriculation, 帮助被录取的学生适应学院. 鼓励学生联系 their pre-dentistry advisors, and the individual dental schools, for more information.

It is preferred that the DAT is taken no later than August of the calendar year preceding the year in which the applicant wishes to enroll in the Dental College. 学生注册 网址:WWW.艾达.org. The test consists of four sections: a Survey of Natural Sciences (biology, general chemistry, and organic chemistry), Reading Comprehension, Quantitative 推理和感知能力. Two summary scores are reported, one on academic subjects and one for perceptual ability, as well as scores on individual sections. 评分范围为1 ~ 30. The average score for students accepted into the 每个子测试的UI程序是19. 目前的全国平均年龄在17岁到60岁之间 18.

Letters of evaluation will be required of applicants. 教职员工的来信, dentist or physician, academic advisor, or employer would be appropriate. 信息 about the non-academic character of a student would be most useful as academic information 已经在申请中了吗. Students should have their evaluation letters submitted 直接通过AADSAS.

Most schools screen applicants with some form of personal interview. UIC学院 of Dentistry interview consists of structured and unstructured components and is conducted by two individuals, one of whom is an 华人博彩论坛s Committee member.

一般来说,申请者需要3分.50 GPA or greater to be considered for interviews in 2011; however, there were some exceptions. 录取标准是GPA, DAT分数, research interest or experience, community involvement, leadership qualities, the interview, the essay, and letters of recommendation. 招生委员会由 of ten faculty and two dental students (all voting 成员), as well as three ex-officio 成员.

Prerequisite for enrollment in the Colleges of Dentistry is consent for an external 背景调查. This check includes, but is not limited to, past criminal offenses 注册信息. If there is evidence of arrest for a crime(s), conviction for a crime(s), presence on an abuse registry, or other information which reasonably suggests that patient safety might be compromised, the student will be asked to provide 额外的信息.

Dental schools vary as to whether they accept non-U.S. 公民. 一些学校 do accept non-公民 require a substantial financial commitment up front. 自 not all schools accept non-公民 and since the financial commitment of those that do may be substantial, students should thoroughly research and carefully consider such a decision and discuss it with their pre-dental advisors early in their undergraduate 年.

